It's become really popular to talk about where to take the best photos, where to get the best views, where the best photo ops are, etc. This is a common topic on "travel blog post ideas" posts I found doing a basic Google search I did (because I lacked inspiration for things to talk about).
Here's why I really really hate that concept and why I won't ever talk about my favorites (though I probably do have them).
Except for right now probably. Feel free to take note of the places I mention in the photo captions in this post.
I can hear every one of you saying "But you take pictures!" Yes, yes I do. And I'm sure you do too. And that's okay. Photography is one of the best ways to remember and relive our travels and travel experiences and I will never tell anyone to not take pictures. I just don't think looking for the best photo spots really does anyone any favors unless you're a professional photographer or really want to make money with your photography and you need that shot at that location. If that's you, there are plenty of other resources and sources you can use, such as virtually any other travel influencer and blogger/videographer.
I'm just personally against the idea of relegating a place to its photogenic spots. All this does is crowd the spaces and makes it harder to actually get a good photo or even enjoy the moment. I mean... if everyone else is there taking pictures with their phones and cameras out and there are people posing for pictures (which often ruin your own view and shot) where's the fun? Where's the enjoyment? I don't like when my own photos have someone else's selfie or glamor shot in them. To me, candids and the random pedestrian walking through the frame is a better representation of my travels than a photoshoot.
If this is you and you enjoy this, keep doing you. More power to you. But I've seen multiple Instagrammers posting reels of cities like Barcelona and instead of telling you the places you should visit, they tell you where to get the best views and best photos. This inevitably leads to people going to Barcelona not to experience the local food and culture but rather to just take cool pictures so they can prove to people they were there.
You have nothing to prove to anyone except yourself. Go somewhere, take pictures, live in the moment. Put the camera down as well and just listen to the sounds around you. The birds (even if they're pigeons and seagulls), the voices, the languages. Take in the smells. Good, bad, rancid, heavenly, floral, garlic-y... Those are things you can't photograph, and most sounds are covered up by viral TikTok music anyway (not that there's anything wrong with that... I love a good viral TikTok song as much as the next person as my Spotify playlists can attest).
TL;DR I'm the last person to lecture anyone about taking their camera out while traveling. Really, I am. But are you traveling just to prove to everyone you went somewhere beautiful? Or are you ready to take in the sounds and smells of your destination and live in the moment so you can experience everything this great wide world has to offer?