When we first heard about COVID, we thought “well, it’s only in China; we don’t need to worry about it.”
The only time that we started to worry was shortly before our flight to Greece when airports in Europe began to shut down.
To tell you about Greece, let’s back up a few months before the flight: August 2019.
I (Shani) did my usual: I was looking at Google Flights, and suddenly I found a flight to Greece for less than $400.
I wasn’t sure if we should take it or not, but Liz was like “when else would we be able to fly to Greece just for the weekend?”
So I booked the flights.
The day before the flight, United changed our trip: instead of having a layover in Zurich through Swiss we were having one in London through United.
At first we were kind of disappointed, we wanted to get a lot of chocolate but we got over it.
On the day of the flight, I get a text message from my family saying I should probably cancel my trip to Greece since a few people that worked in Heathrow had gotten COVID already.
Me and Liz talked for a few hours about whether should we cancel the flight or should we fly out anyway.
At the end of the day, we decided to fly to Greece.
We never thought it would be our last international flight for a while that didn’t require you to have mask on the entire flight.